
We can help you identify quality candidates who meet your organization’s needs.

Code Kentucky students are trained in crucial tech skills to help meet the needs of today’s workforce. They all have unique backgrounds and years of experience in other areas, and their transferable skills will allow them to contribute to your team quickly as Developers, Business Analysts, Quality Assurance Engineers, Technical Sales Reps, Project Managers, and other tech-related roles.

Our sister program, Code Louisville, has seen over 815 participants land exciting new jobs in tech since 2015. We’re looking forward to scaling this success to bolster the tech workforce across the Commonwealth.

Contact Us

Code Kentucky has the junior tech talent you need!

Please submit this form if you are interested in learning more about our program, and potentially hiring some of our graduates. We share relevant job openings with students who are actively seeking roles at businesses like yours. Our staff helps to match students with jobs that are a good fit for their backgrounds, interests, and career goals.

Thank you for helping us to grow the pool of tech talent in Kentucky and beyond!