Mentors Needed for New Program Structure

In January 2022 we made some improvements to the program by moving to the pathways model, and we have some more exciting changes in store starting with our current session.

As Code Louisville and Code Kentucky have evolved, we’ve noticed there is often a knowledge gap between students in a class, and true beginners to the tech field sometimes get discouraged and withdraw from the course because they are taking on too much too fast. To help combat that, we are piloting a modular approach to the program that will provide more knowledge checks and ramp up to better prepare students to start their coding journeys.


New Structure

Volunteer mentors (like you!) will continue to be an integral part of our students’ success. The core principle is still the same: a group setting where students gather with mentors to ask questions, work on projects, and understand what it means to be a developer, all while following along with online courses. But rather than 12 week long classes, we have smaller modules that the pathways are broken up into.

The introductory module that will cover things like Git/GitHub, thinking like a developer, common terminology, and working with file systems. After that, they will select their pathway and start their journey on a pathway with a stronger foundation of knowledge than new students typically have had.

Over the next several months they will complete a beginner, intermediate, and advanced module, followed by a final capstone module solely dedicated to working on projects. 

More Flexibility

This also gives you more flexibility in how you sign up to mentor! You can sign up for a combination of these modules. Only have 5 weeks to spare for a single module? Want to do a full 20 weeks following along with the same class? We can make it work for your schedule. 

Session Details

  • The first pathway modules will begin the week of July 10th. 

  • You will meet with your class one night a week during your specified weeks from 6-8pm ET

  • Currently all classes are online - but check back early next year for some possible in-person classes

  • If you are currently mentoring for a part 2 course, you can still volunteer for one of the later modules happening this year if you’d like 


If you have questions or want more information, reach out to us at We need mentors on a rolling basis, so if the current schedule doesn’t work for you, keep an eye out for future needs and/or reach out to us to get penciled in for a future session.


Mentor for an Upcoming Session