Congrats! Now what?

Congratulations to all of the students who successfully completed our inaugural session that wrapped up earlier this month. Learning new software development skills in just twelve weeks is no easy feat, but you did it!

Here are some pointers to help figure out what’s next:

  1. Complete another course
    We strongly encourage students to complete at least two class sessions to be better qualified for a role as a Junior Developer. New for our January session is the addition of pathway selections so students can choose a track that most interests them (Web Development with JavaScript, Software Development with C#, or Data Analysis with Python).

  2. Grow your portfolio
    Having a solid project to show off on your GitHub profile is great; having multiple projects is even better! Tech is very much a show-me industry, and employers want to know you have a passion for coding and technology that goes beyond a 12-week course. Develop projects and play around with new languages and tools.

  3. Continue your learning and professional development
    Dying to learn Python? Wish you knew more about design? Could your communication skills use some help? Continue your learning and professional development on your own! Aside from Pluralsight, you may also want to check out other free resources including Udemy, Microsoft Virtual Academy, Khan Academy, Code School, Google Digital Skills certifications, and many more. If there was an area in your last class that you’d like to continue to explore, now is a great time!

  4. Contribute to Open-Source Projects
    Check out a site like that provides opportunities for tech newbies to contribute to open source projects. The more you commit, the more you’ll learn!

  5. Attend more Tech Events
    Use your down time to check out more tech events. You’ll meet others interested in tech, including potential hiring managers, while broadening your own knowledge. Visit the #tech-events channel in Slack to see upcoming options.

  6. Start your job search / focus on job readiness
    You may not be quite ready to start your new career in tech, but our staff is here to help you with the transition. In addition to the Job Readiness Workshops that are offered by our career coach, we can help you tailor your resume and LinkedIn profile, conduct mock interviews, and give you tips for the overall job hunt process. We keep the #jobs channel in Slack updated with hot leads and other jobs we come across that may be a good fit for students in the program. Reach out to August in Slack to schedule a one-on-one for more personalized advice. Having your resume in great shape now will help you land your job quicker once you’re ready.

Whatever you do, make the most of this time off between classes to help you achieve your goals. We look forward to helping you along your tech journey!

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash


January Session Kicks-off With New Pathways Model


Mentor for Code Kentucky